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Snohomish County Zoning Map: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by Juan Stafford Mar 16, 2023 ยท 4 min read
Snohomish County Zoning Map: A Comprehensive Guide

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Snohomish County Zoning Map
Snohomish County Zoning Map from


If you are a resident of Snohomish County, Washington, or planning to move here, you might want to know more about the zoning map of the county. The Snohomish County Zoning Map outlines the various zoning designations of the county, which govern how the land can be used and developed. This guide will provide all the information you need to know about the Snohomish County Zoning Map.

What is zoning?

Zoning is a legal tool used by local governments to regulate land use and development. It divides the land into different zones or districts, each with its own set of rules and regulations regarding what can be built and how it can be used. The purpose of zoning is to promote public health, safety, and welfare by ensuring that land is used in a way that is compatible with the surrounding areas.

What is the Snohomish County Zoning Map?

The Snohomish County Zoning Map is a map that shows the various zoning districts in Snohomish County. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to buy, sell, or develop land in the county. The map shows the location of each district, the boundaries of each district, and the regulations that govern each district.

Types of Zoning in Snohomish County


The Rural zone is the most common zoning designation in Snohomish County. It is intended for low-density residential, agricultural, and forestry uses. The minimum lot size is 5 acres, and the maximum density is one dwelling unit per 5 acres.


The Residential zone is intended for medium-density residential uses. The minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet, and the maximum density is one dwelling unit per 7,200 square feet.


The Commercial zone is intended for retail, office, and service uses. The minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet, and the maximum building height is 35 feet.


The Industrial zone is intended for manufacturing, warehousing, and other industrial uses. The minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet, and the maximum building height is 50 feet.

How to Use the Snohomish County Zoning Map

Step 1: Locate your property

The first step in using the Snohomish County Zoning Map is to locate your property on the map. You can do this by using the search function on the county's website or by visiting the county's planning department.

Step 2: Determine the zoning designation

Once you have located your property on the map, you can determine the zoning designation of your property. The zoning designation will be indicated by a color on the map, and you can find the regulations for that designation in the county's zoning code.

Step 3: Determine what you can do with your property

After you have determined the zoning designation of your property, you can find out what you can do with your property. The zoning code will outline the permitted uses, setbacks, building heights, and other regulations for your property.


Q: Can I build a commercial building in a residential zone?

A: No, you cannot build a commercial building in a residential zone. Commercial buildings are only allowed in commercial zones.

Q: Can I build a single-family home in an industrial zone?

A: No, you cannot build a single-family home in an industrial zone. Industrial zones are intended for manufacturing and other industrial uses, not residential uses.

Q: Can I subdivide my property if it is zoned rural?

A: Yes, you can subdivide your property if it is zoned rural. However, the minimum lot size is 5 acres, so you cannot subdivide it into smaller lots than that.


In conclusion, the Snohomish County Zoning Map is an essential tool for anyone who wants to buy, sell, or develop land in the county. By understanding the various zoning designations and regulations, you can make informed decisions about how to use and develop your property. If you have any further questions, you can contact the county's planning department for assistance.
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