Map .

What Are Map And Flatmap In Java 8?

Written by Mable Stanley Jul 19, 2022 · 3 min read
What Are Map And Flatmap In Java 8?

Java 8 introduced a new stream API that allows developers to operate on collections of data in a more functional style. Two important functions of this API are Map and FlatMap. In this article, we will explore what Map and FlatMap are and how they can be used in Java 8.

Table of Contents

map vs flatmap java 8 basic understanding by aditya chaudhari
map vs flatmap java 8 basic understanding by aditya chaudhari from
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Java 8 introduced a new stream API that allows developers to operate on collections of data in a more functional style. Two important functions of this API are Map and FlatMap. In this article, we will explore what Map and FlatMap are and how they can be used in Java 8.

Map Function

The Map function is used to transform the elements of a stream into another form. It takes a Function object as a parameter that specifies the transformation logic. The Map function applies this transformation to each element of the stream and returns a new stream with the transformed elements.

For example, consider the following code:

List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); List squares = .map(n -> n * n) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(squares); // [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

In this code, we first create a List of integers. We then create a stream from this list and use the Map function to transform each element of the stream into its square. Finally, we collect the elements of the new stream into a List and print it.

FlatMap Function

The FlatMap function is used to flatten a stream of streams into a single stream. It takes a Function object that returns a stream as a parameter. The FlatMap function applies this function to each element of the stream and then flattens the resulting streams into a single stream.

For example, consider the following code:

List> names = Arrays.asList( Arrays.asList("John", "Smith"), Arrays.asList("Mary", "Jones"), Arrays.asList("Peter", "Brown") ); List flattenedNames = .flatMap(List::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(flattenedNames); // [John, Smith, Mary, Jones, Peter, Brown]

In this code, we first create a List of Lists of strings. We then create a stream from this list and use the FlatMap function to flatten the elements of the inner lists into a single stream. Finally, we collect the elements of the new stream into a List and print it.


Q: What is the difference between Map and FlatMap?

A: The Map function is used to transform the elements of a stream into another form, while the FlatMap function is used to flatten a stream of streams into a single stream.

Q: When should I use Map and when should I use FlatMap?

A: Use the Map function when you want to transform the elements of a stream into another form. Use the FlatMap function when you want to flatten a stream of streams into a single stream.

Q: Can I chain Map and FlatMap functions?

A: Yes, you can chain Map and FlatMap functions to perform more complex transformations on a stream.

Q: Do I have to use Lambda expressions with Map and FlatMap?

A: No, you can use method references or anonymous inner classes instead of Lambda expressions with Map and FlatMap.


Map and FlatMap are powerful functions that allow you to transform and flatten streams of data in Java 8. By understanding how these functions work and when to use them, you can write more concise and expressive code that is easier to read and maintain.

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